The top 10 things you can do to avoid the flu

One credible hypothesis that explains the seasonal nature of flu is that influenza is a vitamin D deficiency disease.  Vitamin D levels in your blood fall to their lowest point during the flu seasons.  Unable to be protected by the body’s own antibiotics (antimicrobial peptides) 

How do I power my brain?

Have you ever found sweat glistening on your forehead even when you weren’t doing any physical work? That’s the heat given off by the brain! The brain, which comprises only 2% of the body’s weight, uses more than 20% of the oxygen you breathe. The 

June 2011 Newsletter

Chiropractic and Mood Swings Men like to think that women have the claim on mood swings, but everyone: men, women, adolescents and the elderly can be affected. In fact, according to, up to 5% of the general population is affected by a dysthymic disorder, 

July 2011 Newsletter

Why do I need to be adjusted if I’m not in pain?? Every science of healing has what is known as an “avenue of approach.” In the field of medicine, a hypodermic needle injects drugs through the skin; a pill is swallowed and goes into 

December's Newsletter 2010

32 South Main Street, Pleasant Grove UT  84062 December 17th 2010 Christmas Drawing !! Win an energy bracelt!  Each time you come in for a visit December 20th – December 23rd, you may enter the drawing. The drawing will be held December 27th, and