Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

About those Stretch Marks…
Embarrassed by unsightly stretch marks?
Here’s your chance to try our revolutionary Radio Frequency Therapy for half price!
In exchange for permission to use before and after pictures of your stretch marks, and a brief review, you will receive 8 RF sessions at 50% off.  In addition to the sessions, you will receive a tube of stretch mark moisturizing cream to apply daily to the area.
RF is a skin tightening treatment that does not damage the epidermis or outer skin layer in any way but the radiofrequency energy heats the deeper skin layers during the treatment causing the production of a protein called collagen.  A series of these treatments is usually performed.

Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Technique

Your doctor will help assess whether you are a good candidate for these treatments. Treatment may be done either by your doctor or a technician on his staff.
The area to be treated is cleaned of makeup and skin lotions. RF treatments require a thin coat of grape seed oil during treatment. Treatment may take anywhere from several minutes to one hour to complete.

Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Benefits

  • A non-invasive technique that can tighten facial or body skin
  • No surgery required
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Minimal risk of change in skin
  • May be used for all skin types
  • Rare downtime

Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Considerations

  • Non-surgical skin tightening cannot give the same results as a facelift or body tuck procedure.
  • These treatments are useful after a surgical procedure to improve skin quality
  • Multiple treatments are usually be needed